Things to do on your first date!
A first time date is about the first impressions and naturally, you never get a 2nd chance to make the 1st impression, of course you want to make a good one can be remembered. It is normal when we feel nervous or pressure before a first date or a blind date, it is not easy to realize whether the things we do on a first date will leave a good or bad impression.
Here are some tips that I have read about, so for Your First Date you do not have to give any false impressions about yourself. Whether the date works out or not, you should always be remembered as the person who was comfortable and delightful to spend some time with. I just share it with you, everything is up to you guys!
1. Make Eye-Contact
Making eye contact is very important. It makes the other person feel important and that you are actually interested and paying attention to what he or she is saying. But do not make she feels that you eye looks notty.
2. Give Compliments
Make sure to give your date a nice compliment- whether it is on their hair, clothes, smile or whatever you personally notice. To give compliments is about to show your date that you cared enough to take the time to observe the efforts they made in putting themselves together.
3. Laugh at His/Her Jokes
It is always polite to give a laugh whether your date’s jokes and sense of humor is funny or not. To laugh at his/her jokes and humor is to show the appreciation you have for the efforts they made to make the date interesting. So give a laugh without making it look fake or forced. Do not ‘buat buat gelak’.
4. Give a Confirmation Call
Give a quick call to confirm your date will make you both feel relaxed and peaceful. It will prevent any misunderstandings or miscommunication and will also relieve any worries about you or date being stood up. Plus, it also shows how much you are actually looking forward to meeting your date!
Don’t… Things you should avoid on your first date! Talk on the Phone
Nothing is ruder than talking on your mobile phone during your date, or checking messaged constantly while on a date.
5. Be Late
Being late for a date gives the impression that you do not respect your date’s time and you are also someone that cannot be relied on. Show your date that you value time and are responsible by showing up on time. This is a quality that everyone find attractive.
6. Talk too Closely
Do not make your date feel uncomfortable by getting too close when you talk to her/him, especially woman. A woman need to feel like she still have her own personal space and if she suddenly feel suffocated, then she will close up.
7. Be Aggressive or Direct
This is a difference between asking questions to get to know your date better and just being too direct. If you like your date, feel to flirt and have fun, but do not be too touchy and do not get too sexy with your talk. You do not really know how your date feels at this point and perhaps he/she is not ready or comfortable getting that far yet. Keep your flirting simple and set limits. You can ask questions to your date about their work, hobbies and so on, but do not be too direct and forward with your questions either. For example, do not straight ask their yearly income, marriage plans and so on. Remember, this is a first date- do not scare your date away with a “too much too soon” impression.

Everything is up to you!