Here, a comment thru my YM.
One of my best friend commented my A-Think-To-Share-With as:
"u punya blog ni penuh dgn keghairahan."
(your blog full with sexual content)
(your blog full with sexual content)
I smiled for a while after read the comment.
Basically, I agreed with the comment.
But I purposely placed everything here (sexual & non-sexual) as general information & knowledge in a positive tone. Anyway, whatever the tone of the comment come back to me,
I will and I am happy to accept it in order to improve
myself, my life, my view and etcetera.
That is the main reason why i set up my A-Think-To-Share-With.
'Picture of you in my mind'
Normally, people tends to talk or to look for a bad things compare to a good things.
They will exaggerate it and highlight it so the thing will really really
looks negative.
To be fair,
I will take a consideration that everybody has their own perception
and their own view on how they are looking at
'the big picture'.
In short,
I dare to say that we are responsible for what we choose to thing and to do,
if we say that 'A' is a good thing,
it doesn't mean that 'A' is a good thing to other person too.
Mebbe, they will choose 'B' and say,
" B is good than A, because B means bagus..."
Anyway, that is a very good comment I ever had.
The most honest one!

i'm happy just the way i am
Basically, I agreed with the comment.
But I purposely placed everything here (sexual & non-sexual) as general information & knowledge in a positive tone. Anyway, whatever the tone of the comment come back to me,
I will and I am happy to accept it in order to improve
myself, my life, my view and etcetera.
That is the main reason why i set up my A-Think-To-Share-With.
'Picture of you in my mind'
Normally, people tends to talk or to look for a bad things compare to a good things.
They will exaggerate it and highlight it so the thing will really really
looks negative.
To be fair,
I will take a consideration that everybody has their own perception
and their own view on how they are looking at
'the big picture'.
In short,
I dare to say that we are responsible for what we choose to thing and to do,
if we say that 'A' is a good thing,
it doesn't mean that 'A' is a good thing to other person too.
Mebbe, they will choose 'B' and say,
" B is good than A, because B means bagus..."
Anyway, that is a very good comment I ever had.
The most honest one!

i'm happy just the way i am