
31 August 2008

Thank You Malaysia!


The traditional of nature's birth since 31 Aug 57, and now become the greatest
moment to our country, our Malaysia.
Today, 31st August 2008, the 51st anniversary of our beloved Malaysia.

Just wanna say,

"I'm proud to be Malaysian!."


Di sini gelap yang terang
khayalan menjadi terlalu tajam
dan kata-kata meranum
makna puisi yang kita baca di sini
kembar harum dari dasar hati
indah santun dan halus budi
pada puncak malam merdeka
suara kita menjadi bendera
rasa cinta dan maruah bangsa

- A. Samad Said -


Behind the fly pass of the National Day

Setting priorities

Nothing comes close

Taking care of their own

23 August 2008

REVIEW 1 : Tips to seduce a woman

' What woman really want from a man? '

I always ask myself this question. :)
What is in my mind? Basically, woman and man want the same things.Whatever the things in my mind - LOVE IS PRECIOUS!

Sometimes we have to turn ourselves to be a romantic person, sensual creature.

We should know; I think - What is the thing drives the women emotions to go to an exact men.How women decide to have a date with men?

And, I notice something, something that all of us know and want, something that happens everyday, everywhere between a woman and a man.
What women want....

1. A man , who can makes her feels secure physically and emotionally.

2. A man, who can makes her feels good about herself - if you can make her feel good about herself, I think she would be willing to be around you all the times.

3. A man, who can makes her feels special - buy her flowers, buy her chocolates, YES! to make woman feels special is a hard job and takes much, much efforts. But it worth!

4. A man, who knows how to challenge her - A guy who treats her likes a princess, very agreeable, very attentive. A guy who wasn't afraid to tell her that she is wrong. A guy who doesn't give her whatever she wants, everything she wants. In short, a guy who knows how to handle a woman gently.

5. A man who knows how to appreciate them - This tips included the tips at para 2 & 3 above. I think this one is easy but so often overlooked by a man. As a man, we should let her know that she is a number one (numero uno) in our life, by complementing and reassuring her. It is important!

So, what does a woman want from a man? I think, the one who knows how to appreciate her and not afraid to tell her so.

6. A man, who has dreams and working to make them become reality.

7. A man, who knows how to manage money wisely. And knows how to be both frugal and generous.

8. A man, who knows what make them happy or sad and aware of what they want and understand what motivates their action or inaction.

9. A man, who can memorize and remember the important date, event ,jewelry, dinner and conversation between both of you. They (women) remember the first date, the first flower, the first hug and the first kiss, they romanticize everything.

10. A man, who can 'talk'. - What they really want from a man is not TALK at all, but LISTEN. Be a good listener to them. For record, don't try to talk to her out of her opinion ( you can do it but you should try to find an exact situation), don't try to offer an advice, don't make light her problem or tell her to quit worrying. Just listen and that's all you have to do.

Could anyone add something here based on the real experience or from the things happened around you?

"Perhaps the feelings that we experience when
we are in love represent a normal state.
Being in love shows a person who he/she should be."

06 August 2008

REVIEW: Tips to seduce a woman

Guys, if you really want to seduce a woman in the right way, make everything revolve around her.

The seduction starts with your approach. Women aren't stupid. (they're actually smarter than us, guys) and they can smell a phoney a mile away.

Simply make sure you're well groomed and smell nice, and again, just talk to her naturally.

Again and again, talk about her, not yourself. Remember, the key is making her feel special and appreciated. Don't try to hit a home run the first night. Make a date for another night.

If she likes you, you'll know it. She may even give you her phone number without you asking for it.

When you meet her for your first date, bring a dozen red roses (3 also can la... it means 'I LOVE U'), however it's up to you. And take her to dinner at a nice restaurant, not your local burger joint.

Also, be a gentleman. That means opening her car door, holding doors for her, pulling out her chair at the restaurant, taking her coat, etc ( it's up to you too coz i never ever do it before). The woman called it as 'gentleman' or 'lelaki budiman'.

During dinner, again.... focus all of your attention on her. Look directly into her eyes while you're talking to her. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look at any other women while you are with her.

And whatever you do, DO NOT TOUCH HER, unless she initiates contact first.

During dinner, she will give you signals about whether or not you will have the honor of spending time with her intimately. If you are very lucky la...

And as long as you don't do something ridiculous or embarrassing during dinner, you should make out just fine.

Jumping ahead to your place or her place. Don't be in a rush to make something happen. Sit and talk with her for a while and let things progress naturally.

It's important not to rush.

Anybody wanna share your experience or give some tips are welcome.