I dunno what to do, flu makes me feels uncomfortable, with 'hiung yang berair, and 'tak henti henti bersin'. Huh! I really hate it!!

where we learn to live without love...
I will call my 'compartment' here as 'An Empty Room'.
Here is about 'my puzzle' called -
'A Think To Share With'
It is like a set of puzzle for me, I try to collect all the things inside and outside in order to make ' a bigger picture' where I can look and find out neu things around me. The solution in order to make ' a bigger picture' is to combine your personal opinion, your personal view, your real experience based on what I pasted or wrote here. The solution that fit together like pieces of puzzle and the one piece which is the final piece in the puzzle that completing the picture. The picture of US, the picture of YOU,ME & THEY!
Sometimes, during collecting every single piece of the puzzle, it gives me the questions with no answer, the conundrum. Sometimes it is juz an outcry....an outcry with no repartee about the subject, even it is hard for us to accept it and of cause it is only a piece of incomplete puzzle of our long trip.
Mebbe we made mistakes, but everybody made mistakes too. In life, the most important thing is not how good we are, but how good we want to be, to our mum & dad, our brothers, our loved one, our friends, our neighbours and to everybody.
We should know, who is the most important person in our life, of coz ourselves, of coz you; yourself. We are responsible for what we choose to think and to do. If it becomes a breakthrough, it still our responsibility and if it becomes a failure, of coz it is our responsibility too.
For me; myself, I always put in my mind that confidence does not come out of nowhere. But it is a result of something which take a lot of time ..... hours and days and weeks and years of constant work and dedication. That's why I should learn from your experiences and think about it, about everything. That how my 'puzzle' works here!
John Raiston once said; "Success comes in CANS, not CANNOTS."
But, sometimes success is not everything in life, it is just a thing. There are so many things we have to look and pay more attention.
As Uthman bin Affan said long long time ago; "You will never feel sad if you know what you are looking for."
I think it is right, what about you ?
In the middle of nowhere, as a complimentary I would like to say 'thank you very much' for those person who have contributed and spent time to write sumtin in 'A Think To Share With'. I hope my trip to fit all the pieces of puzzle in my life will success with your assistance. In life, in doing everything, the most important than victory is effort. At the center of effort is courage. And, of coz our inspiration!