That day I and my gal went to have our meal at KFC, I ordered one dinner plate for both of us, one hot coffee, one coke with float and fries. What I want to share here is, next to our table there are a sibling of 3 boys. Their father ( perhaps!) brought a dinner plate to them consist of 3 pieces of fried chicken. It so yummy, rite?
But the most important thing here is we realized something sweet about them when we heard they discussed how to divide the fried chicken among them.
And those words touched me and my gal when the youngest brother said;
" ... kau ambil yang besar lah sebab kau besar, aku ambil yang kecik...", he said to his eldest brother.
Amazing! While we ponder and think about the situation, it might be make us remembered to our past - when we are a children. I think we will 'berebut-rebut' to have a biggest piece of the fried chicken. And I thought this is the perfect time to reflect on this situation. We saw that he (the youngest brother) took only a chicken wing.
My gal asked me, "how their family teach them to be so sweet like that?,"
And I smiled as I heard the question about it. What I can said is I am very grateful that ALLAH showed us the situation which made us renung-renungkan.

Let us asked ourselves - have we nurtured ourselves to be nice to our siblings? or, have we nurtured our children to be nice among their siblings?
In fact, I don't know what to say about that. :)
For me, it has now given me something great that I have never thought of! A reward from my Lord, the Al Mighty!
Once again, it is an interesting situation. Don't you think?

And, I remember a phrase once said;
'It is not how good you are, but how good you wanna be.'
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