Guys, if you really want to seduce a woman in the right way, make everything revolve around her.
The seduction starts with your approach. Women aren't stupid. (they're actually smarter than us, guys) and they can smell a phoney a mile away.
Simply make sure you're well groomed and smell nice, and again, just talk to her naturally.
Again and again, talk about her, not yourself. Remember, the key is making her feel special and appreciated. Don't try to hit a home run the first night. Make a date for another night.
If she likes you, you'll know it. She may even give you her phone number without you asking for it.
When you meet her for your first date, bring a dozen red roses (3 also can la... it means 'I LOVE U'), however it's up to you. And take her to dinner at a nice restaurant, not your local burger joint.
Also, be a gentleman. That means opening her car door, holding doors for her, pulling out her chair at the restaurant, taking her coat, etc ( it's up to you too coz i never ever do it before). The woman called it as 'gentleman' or 'lelaki budiman'.
During dinner, again.... focus all of your attention on her. Look directly into her eyes while you're talking to her. DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look at any other women while you are with her.
And whatever you do, DO NOT TOUCH HER, unless she initiates contact first.
During dinner, she will give you signals about whether or not you will have the honor of spending time with her intimately. If you are very lucky la...
And as long as you don't do something ridiculous or embarrassing during dinner, you should make out just fine.
Jumping ahead to your place or her place. Don't be in a rush to make something happen. Sit and talk with her for a while and let things progress naturally.
It's important not to rush.
Anybody wanna share your experience or give some tips are welcome.
women like to be given priority and full attention. Be yourself. Be nice. Be attentive. Be appreciative. Make her feel comfortable. Make her feel beautiful. Make her want to be with you.
But i guess, u already knew that...
I think u are rite!
Of coz, I wrote it coz I knew it. :)
wah wah..
see i told u are a sweet talker :p
jgn jadi buaya je dah le ye.. hehe..
Hi Ano,
erm.. I accept ya words as a complimentary. Thank you. :)
But, I believe, you, me and they..
depa semua la, atau sapa sapa saja..
1- mesti nakkan org cakap dengan kita elok elok, gunakan bahasa yang sedapkan hati kita.
2- mesti nakkan org tu tak buat kita hangin satu badan dengan cara dan apa yang dia nak sampaikan.
3- kita mesti expect, as long as we can talk nicely to other person, so we hope the same thing too happens to us.
And, it is not about sweet talker or not, it is about the way you approach the person. It is a subjective thing.
DO NOT, I repeat, DO NOT look at any other women while you are with her. (this statement i took from ur - TIPS TO SEDUCE A WOMAN -
Aiiyaaa,,if i'm go through in front of you..sure U MESTI PANDANG LER,,,,,:-P
Hi ano,
If you are very that i will looking at you, you are rite! Coz, I'm very sure that u must be a very sweet person.
My tips do not show my real characteristic as well, in fact i love the beautiful and artistic object. I consider, woman is the most beautiful object in the world.
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