Lately when i feel stress or tension, I prefer to surf the internet and read the articles relates to human life. About love, about kiss, about relationship, about hugging etcetera.
I think that's the best way for me to release what i called sometimes as 'a simmering tension', yeah! depends on the situation. I am happy just the way I am, I try to be frank to everybody ( I think so) but it still hard for me to share everything with the rest directly. I will slowly share everything without they (my friends) notice it. But sometimes I never share it cause I can let it gone. I think I am a very simple person but I don't know your (My friend) perception towards me.
It sounds nice, perfect! But it is hard to bring out the best and to be the best even for myself. My friend said that, things we cannot get are the best things available.
But, why we cannot get the things, why we cannot have the things? Is it because we are not pretty/handsome enuff?
We have nothing, we are not as rich as other person?
or, We are not as clever as other person?
But, being handsome/pretty or clever is a subjective matter. May be, that girl/guy looks nice (mamamia!) to me but for your eyes she is just like a normal person.
And, may be 'A' is good in Engineering but he knows nothing about Agriculture, but it doesn't mean that he is an idiot. So, now we can see that in life, sometimes we simply make a negative comment and complain, give bad perception to other person.
In life, may be we make a mistake but everyone makes a mistake too. The most important thing about make a mistake is how we learn the to manage and control the situation. Without the mistake, we will never learn about how to avoid it or how to overcome it.
For me, it is not how good you are, but how good you wanna be especially for you parents, your loved one, your friends, your neighbors and the rest.
When I write something or share something thru my blog, I just write it without take a consideration about the grammar, about the sequences, about the topic. I just let my mind and my finger delivers what is in my big head.
I just make it simple!

The illustration showed two object, one a toothbrush and the other a toilet paper. The toothbrush said to the toilet paper "Sometimes i feel that i have the worst job in the world. And the toilet paper said, ya... right!
Without enuff thinking, may be it makes us laugh but, the most important thing is; does the illustration make us ask ourselves this question?
Have we ever look around us and see what others are facing before we open our mouth and start complaining?
Check it out and think about it...
I think that's the best way for me to release what i called sometimes as 'a simmering tension', yeah! depends on the situation. I am happy just the way I am, I try to be frank to everybody ( I think so) but it still hard for me to share everything with the rest directly. I will slowly share everything without they (my friends) notice it. But sometimes I never share it cause I can let it gone. I think I am a very simple person but I don't know your (My friend) perception towards me.
'true friend bring out the best to each other'
It sounds nice, perfect! But it is hard to bring out the best and to be the best even for myself. My friend said that, things we cannot get are the best things available.
But, why we cannot get the things, why we cannot have the things? Is it because we are not pretty/handsome enuff?
We have nothing, we are not as rich as other person?
or, We are not as clever as other person?
But, being handsome/pretty or clever is a subjective matter. May be, that girl/guy looks nice (mamamia!) to me but for your eyes she is just like a normal person.
And, may be 'A' is good in Engineering but he knows nothing about Agriculture, but it doesn't mean that he is an idiot. So, now we can see that in life, sometimes we simply make a negative comment and complain, give bad perception to other person.
In life, may be we make a mistake but everyone makes a mistake too. The most important thing about make a mistake is how we learn the to manage and control the situation. Without the mistake, we will never learn about how to avoid it or how to overcome it.
For me, it is not how good you are, but how good you wanna be especially for you parents, your loved one, your friends, your neighbors and the rest.
When I write something or share something thru my blog, I just write it without take a consideration about the grammar, about the sequences, about the topic. I just let my mind and my finger delivers what is in my big head.
I just make it simple!

The illustration showed two object, one a toothbrush and the other a toilet paper. The toothbrush said to the toilet paper "Sometimes i feel that i have the worst job in the world. And the toilet paper said, ya... right!
Without enuff thinking, may be it makes us laugh but, the most important thing is; does the illustration make us ask ourselves this question?
Have we ever look around us and see what others are facing before we open our mouth and start complaining?
Check it out and think about it...
'It's never as good as you think it is, and it is never bad as you think it is.'
......I hope you always stay the same,cuz there¹s nothin' 'bout you I would change......
"My friend said that, things we cannot get are the best things available."
Of course they are the best. Its not a question of the physical incapacities that we have, its just human nature. We don't appreciate what we have and only envy what others have.
We thought those with money are the happiest, we thought those with life partners are the happiest, we thought those with good stable jobs are the happiest, but do we know what they want?
One thing for sure, we know what we want, and it always belong to someone else... this is puting things in a very simple perspective but to me it sums up the human behaviour.
The grass is always greener of the other side.
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