When talk about 'kissing', I just wanna say that I love it. I love kissing and I like kissing. And I am very sure that all of you also love to be kissed. Here I wanna share something about the kissing definitions. I hope we can open our mind and understand something about 'kissing'.
kiss (Webster's dictionary)
To touch with the lips especially as a mark of affection or greeting.
kiss The American Heritage Dictionary
-v. kissed, kiss·ing, kiss·es
1. To touch or caress with the lips as a sign of sexual passion, affection, greeting, or respect. 2. To touch lightly; brush against. 3. To engage in mutual touching or caressing with the lips.
-n. 1.a A caress or touch with the lips. b. A slight or gentle touch. 2.a. A small piece of candy, esp. of chocolate. 2.b. A baked confection made of meringue.
1.One who kisses. 2. (slang)The mouth. 3. (slang)The face.
kissing bug
n. An assassin bug, Melanolestes picipes, that inflicts a painful bite on a sleeping person, often on the lips.
kissing cousin
n. A distant relative known well enough to be kissed when greeted.
kissing disease
n. Informal Mononucleosis
kiss of death
n. Something, as an action, that is ultimately ruinous. [From the kiss by which Judas betrayed Jesus.]
kiss off
n. Informal A dismissal
kiss of life
n. Chiefly Britain Mouth-to-mouth resuscitation
French kiss (Webster's dictionary)
Date: circa 1923
An open-mouth kiss usually involving tongue-to-tongue contact. Also known as a Soul kiss.
Eskimo kiss
To touch the tips of each other's noses, then rub back and forth.
Hickey (Webster's dictionary)
Date: circa 1915
A temporary red mark on the skin (as one produced by biting and sucking).
Butterfly kiss
To brush one's eyelashes against a partner while rapidly blinking. It produces a light, ticklish sensation, as of a butterfly brushing one's cheek.
Soul kiss (same as French kiss)
Date: circa 1948
An open-mouth kiss usually involving tongue-to-tongue contact.
Thrown kiss
A long distance kiss that is usually used as a farewell. One 'kisses' their hand, then 'throws' the kiss to their distant partner, who usually completes the action by 'catching' the kiss and putting it on their mouth, cheek, or in their pocket.
Blown kiss
Similar to the thrown kiss, but used at close range. One kisses their hand, then 'blows' the kiss toward their partner.
Last kiss
Well, the last kiss you get before she leaves you for someone else! (or before you die.)
Make up kiss
After having upset your partner, this is the kiss that usually follows the apology. Often among the most passionate of kisses.
Sympathy kiss
When one of the participants really doesn't want to kiss, but does anyway. Also known as a "pity kiss."
Upsidedown kiss
A kiss performed so that one partner's lips are upside-down to the the other partner, so that their mouths are top lip to bottom lip. This can be a very unusual and enjoyable kiss.
:) I hope we can gain something after read and understand what is the definitions of kissing. Maybe after this, We can share the kissing styles which affected by our horoscope. Maybe you guys can share and write down your opinion about kissing. Just be opened!
Even though to kiss other person or the person who never have a relationship with us is not our culture but we still can have a talk about it. Right? :)
Every thing is up to us!
...long l o n g time ago with NO 'toothbrush & paste'. aiyah ! how to KISS man !?????????
hi Ano,
To kiss a man is in the same way the man kiss a woman. Just do the same.
Anyway, you can look at my previous writing here, maybe you will find something.
Kissing is a complex behavior that requires significant muscular coordination; in fact, a total of thirty-four to thirty-six muscles working cooperatively. The most important muscle involved is the orbicularis oris muscle, which is used to pucker the lips and informally known as the kissing muscle. The tongue can also be an extremely important part of the kiss. Lips have many nerve endings so they are sensitive to touch and bite.
hi Ano,
Thanks for your words. I think you now better about the anatomy of kissing compare to others.
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